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no I can't go on like this! I should die! how could this happen? did I really forget to fold the tip of the toilet paper into a triangle?


Tuesday, December 4, 2007

maximum america YEAH!!

My score on The American Citizenship Test:

26 out of 50 US Knowledge

Fifty points total. The closer to fifty, the closer to perfection.

Link: The American Citizenship Test (OkCupid Free Online Dating)

oh YEAH..ithink that means i fail the test, oh, sorrow.

Monday, December 3, 2007

party me of the past

Take this test!

Who's that guy hanging from the ceiling fan? Who cares? No faint of heart folks at this bash. You probably haven't seen half these people before in your life. Or so you think. Maybe you met them at that last party when you were whizzing by in the congo line? But that's OK. It's this footloose-and-fancy-free attitude that makes you such a party legend!

We don't need to tell you that living by the credo "It ain't a party 'till something gets broken," can lead to trouble. It might be smart to cut back on the break dancing and pay more attention to your guests. Just because you're having a rocking good time doesn't mean they are — so remember to mingle.

Your gatherings probably start and end with a contagious and festive spirit. Everyone needs to blow off a little steam sometimes. Even if your neighbors don't always approve. Maybe next time you should just slip them a note warning of your impending party!

the unwatchables

Take this test!

You realize the importance of people getting along in the workplace. After all, an organization's identity is built on the quality and dedication of its workers. While others focus on winning personal accolades, you prefer to work hard at providing harmony and human connections. You're motivated by contributing to that social fabric. Because you tend to be in tune to the social dynamics of a company, you probably have an internal sense of where you stand and don't need constant validation from peers or superiors.

Certain types of companies are waking up to the fact that they need more people like you. But which companies are they? And how can you find a business based on a system that values your contributions and will really let you shine?

Friday, August 17, 2007

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

if you puke its not a fluke

ugh. well, what can i say about my day. i slept til 7 and then did nothing. eventually i ended up smoking some really good crack, just took a suboxone. great. the puking feeling is finally fading. i dont understand what the fuck is wrong with me. but i function fine. i get A's. its not like when i was 16. were led to believe that..what i do...IE: junkies...are just JUNKIES. unemployed, unproductive, desgusting, etc...but for years ive been doing the same shit and still managed fine. well, i was on medical leave for a year but that was unrelated to drug usage (yay for organ failure!)...really. drugs probably didnt help but they didnt cause me being sick and shit. but back to my point..its all about the attitude. when i was a junior i WANTED to fail, be the worst. i did slightly more heroin in those days. now i like to be the best. or good, whatever, big ego. i function. ugh. i'm too high to write, this just sounds like a piece of denial.

Tuesday, June 6, 2006

Friday, January 6, 2006


You scored as Eating Disorders. Congratulations! You have an eating disorder! You know what it's like to have "fat" eyelids and that there's exactly 58 calories in one medium-sized green apple. Western society has discarded your well-being for sickly, paper-thin models and celebrities; welcome to the club, sister.

Eating Disorders


>Unipolar Depression


Borderline Personality Disorder


Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder


Antisocial Personality Disorder




Which mental disorder do you have?

Friday, December 30, 2005


This is a test post from flickr, a fancy photo sharing thing.

please paste this on to your landlord

master shake told me to go in the freezer, because there was a carnival in there. there was no carnival, it was a damn freezer. i got freezer burn, and i got mushed up against that chicken.